Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

The Midwest is no stranger to snow. In fact, one of the things that gives Midwesterners great joy during the winter season is watching people, say in Austin or Las Vegas, scurry around for 1-2 inches of snow. To be fair, we're just as clueless with other types of weather. What are you supposed to do during earthquakes? Actually, I should figure that out...This area's had a couple mild ones in the last few years.

So today we're having snow. Possibly some sleet. I think we've gotten around 8-10 inches. This brings me great joy as it means I can wear my pajamas until the afternoon, curl up the couch and reread some old favorites. I'm thinking "The Forgotten Beasts of Eld" by Patricia A. McKillip. It's a book about Sybel, a Sorceress living alone on a mountaintop, her only company being the strange and magical animals that she cares for. It's also a story about staying true to yourself, which I think everyone needs a bit of.

I really love all of McKillip's writing. Her style is very lyrical and careful. I say careful not because I think she plays it safe. However, every word is chosen because it is the best word for what she wants to convey. It's quite beautiful. I will say that most of her writing will require your full attention, however, if you want to understand what she's writing about.


  1. Are you also a fan of Robin McKinley? I always loved that they were so close together on the library shelves, very convenient!

  2. I do like Robin McKinley! Weirdly enough, when I was little I used to confuse them because they were so close together.
